CV of P.C. Vandall
Publishing History
The Blue Moth of Morning. Porcupine's Quill, Forthcoming in 2020.
Crows Taste Best on Toast. Oolichan Books, 2017 (in Limbo)
Matrimonial Cake. Red Dashboard, October 2014.
Something from Nothing. Writing Knights Press, March 2013.
Woodwinds. Lipstick Press, May 2013.
Poetry in Journals
"Flirty, Dirty, and over Thirty" Escaped Ink, (Forthcoming)
"I Wrote our Obituary" Carousel Magazine, (Forthcoming)
"Small Amnesias" The Blue Nib, Issue 39, September.
"Plato and the Pepsi Challenge" The Blue Nib, Issue 39, September.
"Snow in the Sahara" Midway Journal, April 15, 2019
"Planet Bingo" The Knicknackery, Issue 6, February.
"Three Minutes" Third Wednesday Magazine, September.
"Salmon Run" Third Wednesday Magazine, September.
"Good Girls Don't Bleed" Southword Literary Journal, Issue 35, September. (Ireland)
“Waste Not, Want Not” Prism International, May.
“Apple Sauce” Prism International, May.
“Boys Like You” Poetry Bus, February. (Ireland)
“Disc Jockey.” Big Smoke Poetry, January.
“Ode to a Poem.” The Stinging Fly, December. (Ireland)
“The Dilemma.” Rats Ass Review, December.
“Romeo, Romeo, WTF? The Maynard, May.
“Once Upon a Time of my Life.” In Words Magazine, November.
The Love Seat.” The Lake, September. (United Kingdom)
“Father.” The Lake, August. (United Kingdom)
“After a Poem by Adrienne Rich.” The Lake, August. (United Kingdom)
“Idol.” Outburst Magazine, Issue 17, August. (Ireland)
“God’s Gift.” Outburst Magazine, Issue 17, August. (Ireland)
“Painting Diego’s Feet.” Sonic Boom, Issue 8, April.
“In a Rut.” Tishman Review, September.
“Kurd from Baghdad wins Oregon Lottery.” Scarlet Leaf Review, September.
“Croyden Courts.” Scarlet Leaf Review, September.
“Haven’t got a Prayer.” Scarlet Leaf Review, September.
“It’s all About the Yoga.” Scarlet Leaf Review, September.
“Toothache.” The Unprecedented Review, August.
“The Aftermath.” Feathertale Review, Issue 17, June.
“At the Circus.” Rattle, Poets Respond. May.
“Snow in Paris.” The Lake, May. (United Kingdom)
“When my Children Laugh.” Foundation for Economic Education, March.
“On the Eve.” Ginosko Literary Journal, February.
“Hide and Seek.” Ginosko Literary Journal, February.
“Distortion.” Ginosko Literary Journal, February.
“In the Metal Ward.” Ginosko Literary Journal, February.
“Blue Screen of Death.” Zetetic, January.
“When did you Leave?” Zetetic, November.
“A Cat Poem.” Kansas City Voices, October.
“A Real Man.” The Impressment Gang, April.
“Crosswords.” The Impressment Gang, April.
“Scrambled.” The Impressment Gang, February.
“Matrimonial Cake.” Poetry Pacific, February.
“Distortion.” Poetry Pacific, February.
“Idol.” Leaf Press: Monday’s Poem, January.
“Beg, Borrow, or Steal.” Vine Leaves Literary Journal, Issue 13, January. (Australia)
“In the Metal Ward.” Room Magazine, issue 37.4, June.
“Idol.” The Oddity, May, Issue 7.
“Something from Nothing.” Ygdrasil Poetic Journal of the Arts, May.
“Cougar Pie.” Ygdrasil Poetic Journal of the Arts, May.
“Aviary.” Ygdrasil Poetic Journal of the Arts, May.
“Lion Dogs.” Ygdrasil Poetic Journal of the Arts, May.
“The Second Coming.” Ygdrasil Poetic Journal of the Arts, May.
“An Impression.” Ygdrasil Poetic Journal of the Arts, May.
“ Dislocated.” Ygdrasil Poetic Journal of the Arts, May.
“Full of Crow.” Ygdrasil Poetic Journal of the Arts, May.
“Urns her Keep.” Ygdrasil Poetic Journal of the Arts, May.
“Idol.” Ygdrasil Poetic Journal of the Arts, May.
“Cougar Pie.” Quills Poetry Magazine, May.
“Bell Flowers.” Eunoia Review, May.
“Flight Risk.” Eunoia Review, May.
“Carving.” The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, April.
“Idol.” Something about Mary, April.
“Rosemary & Thyme.” National Poem Gallery, April.
“Distortion.” National Poem Gallery, April.
“Sour Grapes.” Carousel Magazine, April, Issue 33.
“What’s Between Us.” Whistling Fire, March.
“Woodwinds.” Whistling Fire, March.
“Elvis has Left the Building.” Miracle Ezine, March, Issue 8. (India)
“Cala De Del Descanso.” The Original Van Gogh’s Ear, February.
“The Second Coming.” The Midnight Diner, January.
“Spinning the Cycles.” The Tower Journal, January.
“Mistake” Thirteen Myna Birds, October.
“Butchered.” Island Writer, September.
“Spinning the Cycles, Part 5.” Red Fes, issue 60, September.
“In the House no one Plays.” Gargoyle, July
“Something from Nothing.” Gargoyle, July.
“Full of Crow.” FreeFall Magazine, June.
“For my Husband.” Rolling Thunder Magazine, June.
“On the Eighth Day.” Rolling Thunder Magazine, June.
“Nymph.” Rolling Thunder Magazine, June.
“River Bed.” Rolling Thunder Magazine, June.
“Stinkhorn Mushrooms.” Rolling Thunder Magazine, June.
Hide and Seek.” Island Writer, May.
“True Love.” Tongue Magazine, January, Issue 1. (United Kingdom)
“Aviary.” Ginosko Literary Journal, December.
“For my Husband.” Four and Twenty, December.
“Tiger Stripes.” The Oddity, November, Issue 4.
“Who Goes There?” Primal Urge Magazine, November.
“Scotch on the Rocks,” Primal Urge Magazine, November.
“My Keeper.” Primal Urge Magazine, November.
“Right to Bare Arms.” Primal Urge Magazine, November.
“Milkmaid.” Tree Killer Ink, October.
“River Bed.” Tree Killer Ink, October.
“House Fly.” Tree Killer Ink, October.
“Latin for Neck.” Nod Magazine, August.
“Stinkhorn Mushrooms.” Nod Magazine, August.
“Dislocated.” Leaf Press: Monday’s Poem, July.
“Storage.” Full of Crow, July.
“Stinging Nettles.” Full of Crow, July.
“Dirty Poem.” Full of Crow, July.
“New Shoes.” Full of Crow, July.
“Hop Scotch.” Poetry Bus, June.
“Watermelons in Winter.” Poetry Bus, June.
“Ligatures.” Poetry Bus, June. (Ireland)
“Alluded.” Outburst Magazine, May.
“Stewing.” Outburst Magazine, May. (Ireland)
“Miss Steak.” Island Writer, May.
“Bird in the Hand.” The First Cut, April, issue 6.
“Rosemary & Thyme.” Bare Hands Poetry, April.
“Dislocated,” The West of West Review, March.
“My Children.” Folded Word Press, March.
“When the Casket Closes.” Folded Word Press, March.
“Baited Breath.” Folded Word Press, March.
“Maple Roses” The First Cut, February, issue 5. (Ireland)
“Nymph.”The First Cut, February, issue 5. (Ireland)
“Arbutus.” Corvus Magazine, February.
“Bristlecone Pines.” Poetry Bus, January. (Ireland.)
“Disorderly Conduct” Bare Hands Poetry, November.(Ireland)
“Asylum.” Bare Hands Poetry, November. (Ireland)
Poetry in Anthologies
"Poetry in the Park." Athlone, Ireland,
“In the Dark.” The Silver Lining: Remembering Our Grandmothers, Readme Books, edited by Babitha Justin, 2018.
“Bell Flowers.” Moving Beyond Mars: A Voice for Victims/Survivors of Abuse, Red Dashboard, 2018, p.38.
“Bell Flowers.” Shout it Out Anthology, Lost Tower Publications, 2016, p.95.
“Mother May I?” QR Anthology, Poetry Gabriola Society, edited by Andreas Kahre, 2016.
“Under the Electric Nimbus Clouds.” Mytho: An International Bilingual Anthology, Author Press, edited by Shyam Sunder Sharma, 2016, p.150.
“The Melting Moon.” Colours of Refuge, Author Press, edited by Shyam Sunder Sharma, 2016, p.75.
“Leaving on a G-String.” Resonance: An International Bilingual Anthology, Author Press, edited by Shyam Sunder Sharma, 2015, p.45.
“Cala De Del Descanso.” The Original Van Gogh’s Ear Anthology, Volume 9, Crossroad Press, edited by Tina Ayres, 2015.
Poetry with a Dash of Salt & A Smattering of Guest Poets, Lady Lazarus Press, edited by Debra Marlar, 2014, p.34.
“Ichthus of Fukushima.” Fukushima Poetry Anthology, Words Fly Away, Green Wind Press, edited by Holly Harwood, 2014, p.100.
“Stewing,” “Distortion.” Disorder Anthology, Red Dashboard, edited by Andrew Jarvis, 2014, p. 51, 54.
“Spinning the Cycles.” Songs for Julia, Orphee Poetry, edited by David Joseph Cribbin, 2014, pp.12-17.
“Woodwinds,” “What’s Between Us,” “Heart Strings.” ”Best of 2013 Anthology, Writing Knights Press, edited by Azriel Johnson, 2014, pp. 11-13.
“Material Possessions.” Blue Max Review Anthology, Rebel Poetry, edited by Ursula Carey, Margo Barry, 2013, p.69.
“An Impression.” Bare Hands Poetry Anthology, edited by Kerrie O’Brien, Sarah Griffen, 2012, p.3.
“Twilight,” “Aviary,” “Ligatures,” “Asylum.”Between Earth and Sky Anthology, Silver Bow Publishing, 2012, pp. 56-57.
Awards & Recognition
Federation of BC Writers 2017 Short Fiction Contest shortlist, “What a Croc.”
The 9th Fortnight Poetry Prize, awarded 2nd. “Wintering,”
The 6th Fortnight Poetry Prize shortlist, “After a Poem by Leonard Cohen.”
Mary Ballard Chapbook Award, long-listed, “Brain Freeze and Heart Burn.”
Pushcart Nomination, Poetry Bus.
Pushcart Nomination, Writing Knights Press.
The Fermoy Poetry Prize shortlist.
The FreeFall Poetry Prize shortlist, “Full of Crow.”
The Fermoy Poetry Prize shortlist.
Grants & Scholarships
BC Arts Council, Creative Writers Project Grant
BC Arts Council, Creative Writers Project Grant
Public Performance
April 18: 15 Minutes of Infamy Reading Series, The Green Olive, Nanaimo, BC
March 21: 15 Minutes of Infamy Reading Series, The Green Olive, Nanaimo, BC.
February 25, 26th: Host for the Big Little Poetry Festival, Gabriola, BC.
November 18: CR Avery, The Black Water Under August Moon Parade Book Release, Reader, The Roxy, Gabriola, BC.
January-December: Poetry Host for Open Mic. The Hive, Gabriola, BC.
August 28: Fountain of Uth Mentor Reading, Poetry Yurt, Commons, Gabriola, BC.
October 21: Cornafulla Middle School Reading, Cornafulla, Ireland.
June 6: An Evening of Poetry and Music Reading, Athlone Springs Hotel, Athlone, Ireland.
April 19: Poetic Justice Reading, New Westminster, BC.
January 15: 3rd Thursday Open Mic. Featuring P.C. Vandall, Old Crow Café, Gabriola, BC
December 6: Launch of Matrimonial Cake, Vancouver Island Regional Library, Gabriola, BC
September 26:Featured reader at The Old Crow Cafe, Gabriola, BC
May 22: Launch of Woodwinds at the Gabriola Commons, Gabriola, BC
Vancouver Island University: Creative Writing